The Stolen Generation on video

On this page you can se “The stolen generation” in movies. So lean back, listen up and enjoy!

        This is a brief history of australia.

This movie is from the news channel “World News Australia” We hear about this brand new website The new website is cataloguing the spoken stories of the stolen generation survivors before it's too late. So far 50 hours of personal histories have been collected, including their memories of being taken away and placed in homes and schools. We also hear about to aboriginal’s memories, how takes part in the website project.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologizes for the past, he said than they should open a new page, and never go
back to the old and horrible Page in the history book.

 He excuse than they had breaking up a lot of families and community.

 Rudd apologizes for all the pain and suffering, that the stolen generation has suffered.

From the 1890 to the 1970´s were 100000 children stolen. These children are known as the stolen generation, which is what the first picture in the movie shows us.  There comes a question “how were you taken”, and then the movie fades out, into a man who begins to talk about how he was taken away. He explains that he was sitting outside in the garden whit his brother, playing whit dirt. Suddenly a white man came and took them away. He answers a series of question after the first one.  

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